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Neighborhood Plan

Since our inception, Connected Communities has been working to create an equitable plan with residents of Beechwood and EMMA. We are proud to display that plan here as a blueprint for the future of our community. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with residents and partners to shape our neighborhoods together.

Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 2024

CNP Revision Project

Much has changed since 2020. The Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan was always intended to be a living document. After three years of work, we had much to celebrate and more to achieve. At the beginning of 2023, we started the year-long process to engage neighborhood residents and update the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. This gave us the chance to check in with residents on what is important to them, highlight the plan's accomplishments, and update the recommendations and strategies that will guide our next few years of work. The CNP 2024 contains 44 updated strategies across four pillars of community revitalization.


Community Engagement

CNP Framework

The Beechwood and EMMA CNP is a living document. It provides a community-built road map for investments in housing, education, economic empowerment, and community wellness. It also gives us, a framework of goals and values to be used to evaluate opportunities to respond to community needs as they arise. As we continue to work to revitalize our communities, we know there will be new and exciting ways to implement the plan’s recommendations and adapt and evolve in the spirit of what community members want.


The four pillars of the CNP are the areas that make up the holistic revitalization plan for the EMMA and Beechwood neighborhoods. The four pillars; Community Wellness, Economic Empowerment, Cradle-to-Career Education, and Mixed-Income Housing, guide our collective efforts, funding, and resources where they matter most for those who live here.


Each pillar has high-level goals. The goals were established in the original CNP as a summary of residents’ desires and values that align with the pillar. The CNP pillar goals are essential to fulfilling the shared vision for this community.


Each pillar contains three high-level recommendations. These are proposed suggestions our collective should work on together, investing our resources to benefit our neighborhoods. These recommendations respond to challenges and opportunities in our community and are based on input from residents, on-the-ground data collection, and coordination with community partners.


Strategies are identified actions or projects necessary to achieve a recommendation. These strategies will require the help of working groups, partners, and residents, and adequate resources over time. Each strategy is assigned a time frame (ongoing, short-term, middle-term, or long-term).

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